he relationship between the function of lympho-cyte and IL-2/IL-2R
system in CRF was observed.The results showed: 1. The proliferative response oflymphocytes
after stimulation with mitogens or antigenwere significantly reduced and the in vitro
productionof IL-2 after such stimulation in parallel cultures wasfound to be lower in the patient
group. Exogenous IL-2 augmented the proliferation of lymphocytes fromboth patients and
normal subjects, but the magnitudeof proliferation was higher in the patients with CRF. 2.The
spontaneous expression of IL-2R on the lympho-cyte membrane in resting states and the
release of solu-ble IL-2R by lectinstimulated lymphocytes in culturewere significantly higher in
the patient group , as wellas the level of sIL-2R in uremic plasma.These results suggested that
the impaired prolifer-ative responsiveness of uremic lymphocytes might berelated to reduced
IL-2 activity which may be the re-duced production of IL-2 and the increased absorptionof IL-2
caused by the preactivation of the lymphocytse.
Chinese Journal of Nephrology