The continuous aboundant duplication ofhepatitis virus is
the main cause of reductionin liver function resulting to liver cirrhosisportal hypertension.It was
discovered by theuse of polymerase chain reaction(PCR) andELISA that the ratio of infeceive
state of hep-atitis B virus(HBV)and hepatitis C virus(HCV) were 80.7%and 37.8%respectively.The
active duplicating state ratio of HBV andHCV was also determined to be
31.6%and29.8%respectively.The ratio of at least oneinfective index in HBV and HCV to be
positivewas86.7%.Serum HBV markers and HCVinfective state of patients who received
surgi-cal therapy compared to those who receiveddrug therapy showed no significant
differences(P>0.05).The ratio of patients with bolldtrancfusion history in HCV RNA and HBVDNA
positive patients were 82.4%and47.1%respectively,with significant differ-ences(P<0.05).It could
therefore be seenfrom the above data that using only symp-tomatic treatment of liver corrhosis
portal hy-pertension is inadpquate and therefore requiresactive anti-virus treatment.Liver
cirrhosisportal hypertensive patients with blood trans-fusion history should be given early
check forHBV DNA and HCV RNA to facilitate earlydiscovery of post-transfusion hepatitis(PTH).
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery