This papar presents that thromboxane B2(TXB2) and 6-keto-PGF1α levels in the bloodof inferior vena cava were determined by ra-dioimmunoassay method by means of isolatedliver perfusion(ILP)model with different dos-es 5-Fu through portal vein route in rats.Theresults showed that TXB2 levels were signifi-cantly increased and 6-keto-PGF 1α levels notincreased in group of ILP with 300mg/kg 5-Fuat the third postoperative day.TXB2 levels ingroups of ILP with 150mg/kg 5-Fu and with-out 5-Fu were higher than preoperative levelsand TXB2 levels between these two groupsunchanged.The 6-keto-PGF1α levels have noapparent changes as compared with preopera-tive levels。There was a high positive relativityin TXB2/6-keto-PGF1αratios and SGPT ingroup of ILP with 300mg/kg 5-Fu.The re-sults indicated that the imbalance between lev-els of TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1α was associatedwith hepatic injuries during ILP with overthan MTD5-Fu.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery