AbstractAn immunocytochemical method using an antibodyprobe to recognise the epithelial membrane antigen wasused to screen smears obtained surgically from bone-marrow in 88 patients with gastric cancer,Tumor cellswere detected in the bonb-marrow of 58 patients(65.9%).The EMA positive cells in the marrow werenot correlated with the locatiOn and node status of thestomach.In the stage of TNM Ⅰ ,Ⅱ ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ,thepositive rates of micrometastases in the bone marrowwere 42.9%, 57.1%, 73.7%and 69.0%,respective-ly. The results showed that the poorer differentiatedlesion,the higher rate of positive cells in the bonemar-row,The curative surgery and muItimodality treat-ment after operation could result in remission of posi-tive cells in some patients,The method can detect oc-cult metastases in bone marrow, and may be useful tomonitor patients for evidence of response,It can mea-sure the efficacy of adiuvant therapy,and predictprognosis of the patients.
Chinese Journal of Surgery