his paper reported theresults of molecular biological study on 2 1 strains of vibriostatic agent O/129-resistant vibrio cholerae non-O1 isolated from patients of acute diarrhoea admitted to Beijing TianTan Hospital from May 1992 to Octorber 1994.The results showed that the restriction patterns of chro-mosomal DNA of the strains were diverse after the chromosomal DNAs being digested with Pst 1 andseparated by agarose gel electrophores. By southern blot hybridization analysis with gene probe labelledwith Dig,non of the strains possessed the fragments of CT as the control strain of the vibro choleraeO1.The examination for the presence of plasmid DNA showed that plasmid bands were not detected inthe O/129-resistant strains except 6 strains which had the presence of one plasmid and were also foundto be resistant to 3-8 antibiotics commonly used in clinical practices. Thus O/129 resistance is not to beplasmid mediated in the strains tested.The results demonstrated that O/129-resistant vibrio choleraenon-O1 were similar to those non-epidemic strains of vibrio cholerae O1 on genotype and toxin genescharacteristic. It is concluded that O/129-resistant vibrio cholerae non-O1 were not to be the pathogenof vibrio cholerae outbreak.