This paper presents a study of fatigue crack growth(FCG)under variable-amplitude loading with conipact tension specimens of steel 16 Mn。 Effect of the high-load rate RHLand high load occurrenee in random loading and the periodic single peak overloading on FCG isexamined,The results show that the effect of high loads in random loading on FCG is not as great asthat in a single peak overload within constant-amplitude loading.The high load rate and occurrenceof variable-loading are imporeant faeturs affecting FCG, In the testing condition,the high loads giveapparent retardation effect on FCG for RHL>2.0.The load-interaction effect could be isnored forRHL≤2.0 and rather presise life prediction could be got by constant-amplitude loading FCG datawithout,accounting for the load-interaction。
Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University