In treating 132 cases of NSCLC in middle & late stage,Three ways of drug administration had been reported as follows:Intravenous drop (IVD)Bronchial artery infusion (BAI)&Dual artery infusion(DAI). The recent effective rate attained 41.9%,73. 1% & 80% with mean survival span 7.6 ,11 & 11.5 months respectively. The author considers that the combination of Carboplatin & Etopside is a better plan to treat NSCILC. The hige concentration of chemical drugs directly act on the local tumor by applying BAI,with high shrinking rate of tumor and increased resectionrate. Because of double blood supply of lung by bronchial & pulmonary arteries DAI will supplement certain defects of simple BAI,increase therapeutic deffect and (as well as )reduce &avoid certain side effdct of BAI only.