The activities of several enzymes and the levels of lipid peroxidation in the functional leaves of upland cotton varieties with different times of maturity were studied at different development stages. The results indicated that the SOD activity rose fluctuatingly before the early boll-opening stage, then dropped rapidly; whereas the MDA content increased slowly before this stage but much more rapidly afterwards. The CAT activity rose with the development of the leaves before the boll-setting stage, then dropped rapidly; whereas the POD activity increased continuously. Electrophoresis studies of the POD isozyme revealed that the zymogram patterns of POD changed with the growth of the plant, and different maturity types had different patterns. Thus, with the early variety, the maximum number of bands appeared at the flowering stage, including 2 slow bands; but with the mid-early, inter-mediate and late-maturity varieties, this happened only at the boll-opening stage. All maturity types had a slow band at this stage except the late-maturity variety, which did not have any slow bands during the whole growth period, implicating that the slow band might be somewhat related to early maturity.The results also revealed that before the boll-opening-maturing stage, there seemed to be no significant difference in activities of the 3 enzymes between the early variety and the other maturity types. Some activity was even higher with the early-maturing variety, indicating that although the growth period of the early-maturity variety is shorter, the physiological-chemical activities of its functional leaves are still rather high.The enzyme activity patterns of the glandless cotton were somewhat different from those of the other glanded varieties.
Acta Agronomica Sinica