

The Photospheric Spectra of SN1994I
摘要 本文给出用北京天文台2.16m光学望远镜观测的超新星1994I的光球相光谱。这些光谱表现出类似于Ic型超新星1987M的特征。我们用蒙特卡罗光谱合成模型对4月10日的光谱做了拟合。采用Nomoto等人C+O模型的元素丰度及修改过的W7密度结构,计算的光谱与观测的光谱符合得相当好。计算得到4月10日,超新星的光球速度约为1000km/s,其黑体温度约为8000K。另外,我们的光谱拟合可以为C+O星作为Ic型超新星的前身星提供证据。 We present the photospheric optical spectra of SN1994I obtained with the 2.16m reflector of Beijing Astronomical Observatory. The spectra show features of type Ic supernovae as those of SN1987M did. A Monte Carlo spectrum synthesis code is employed to fit the April 10 spectrum. With the abundances of Nomoto et al. and an altered W7 density structure,we get a reasonable fit.For April 10, we find a photospheric velocity of ~10000kms-1,and a blackbody temperature of~8000K.The mass outside the photosphere at the epoch is 0.365M⊙. The modeling may provide evidence for C+O stars as progenitors of Type Ic supernovae.
机构地区 南京大学天文系
出处 《天体物理学报》 CSCD 1995年第2期187-190,共4页
关键词 超新星 光球相光谱 谱线 supernovae:individual(SN 1994I) lines identification
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