he heavy metals in waters of Lake Erhai, Yunnan Province, were found not at higher levels,with the following mean values calculated in ppb:Cu 1. 6, Ph 0. 59, Zn 9. 8, Cd 0. 009, and Cr0. 24, so that the water quality was assessed as abetter one. The same elements in each sample ofthe sediments form Lake Erhai generally had avalue approximate to their respective averagelevels as calculated in ppm as follows: Cu 111, Ph60, Zn 127, Cd 0. 591 and Cr 130, so that so farLake Erhai has been still a cleaner lake. LakeDianchi in the Yunnan Province was found tohave a rather worse water quality, particularly inits section of inner Caohai where there were significantly increased levels of heavy metals in wateras calculated in ppb as follows: Cu 5. 8, Ph0. 55, Zn 32, Cd 1. 611 and Cr 0. 24, which arewell below the national standards for drinkingwater. The sediments in different sections of thelake have been found to be polluted with someheavy metals, to a more significant extent in thesection of Outer Caohai and to a more serious extent in the section of Inner Caohai. The heavymetals in the top layer of sediment were calculated in ppm at the following levels:Cu 920, Ph647, Zn 2208, Cd 164. 85 and Cr 55.
Environmental Science