The role of leukocyte-derived thromboxane(TX)and leukotriene(LT)on renal and glomerular hemodynamics was investigated in rat mesangioproliferative nephritis induced by anti-Thy 1 antibodies. In nephritic ratst, acute decrements in glo-merular ultrafiltration coefficient (Kf), glomerular filtration rate(GFR) and renal blood flow (RBF) were associated with increments in glomerular leukocyte counts and in the glomerular synthesis of TXB-2 and LTB-4. Leukocyte depletion eliminated the enhanced synthesis of TXB-2 and LTB-4,blocked the decrements in GFR and RBF.Likewise,com-bined pretreatment of rats with TX synthetase inhibitor and an arachidonate 5-lipoxy-genase inhibitor blocked the decrements in GFR and RBF.Selective inhibition of TX syn-thetase or 5-lipoxygenase only partially ameliorated the decrements in GFR and RBF. Antagonism of TX receptor or inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase also inhibited the decrement in Kf.These data indicate that glomerular infiltrating leukocyte-derived TX and LT mediate the acute renal dysfunction in mesangioproliferative nephritis.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology