Geological, volcanic and geophysical evindences reveal that the Northeast China has been essentially changed its geotectonic nature, and has been a continental rift system since the Late Mesozoic. This rift system consists of Songliao Graben (SLG), Xialiaohe Rift (XLR), Yi-tong-Yilan Rift (YYR), Fushun-Mishan Rift (FMR) and other adjacent block basins, which is much similar to the Basin and Range Province in west America. It links with Tancheng-Lujiang Rift through Bohai Sea to the South, and stretchs into the Soviet Union in the north.The Northeast Continental Rift System has been developing from the center to flank, especially to the east, the graben and rift successively formed from Songliao Graben to the continental margin, their contraction and closing was earlier in time one than another, corresponding volcanism reveals same regular. The pattern and evolution of the Northeast Continental Rift System is bound up with special epsiric surroundings of continental margin, back-arc basin and island arc. The Pacific Plate subduction intensified tectonic movement and impelled the upheaval of the mantle and the disruption of the continent, then formed island arc system. Accompanying occurrence of island arc system the subduction zone was far away from continental margin and intensified back-arc spreading, which further impelled occurrence of continental rift system. In a sense, plate subduction caused continental rift and back-arc basin, and the latter in turn buffered subduction, rifting is counteraction of subduction.
Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)
Continental Rift System, Songliao Graben, Rift, volcanism, back-arc sprea-ding plate subduction