The constant volume of liver extract was made from the dead mice kept in the comstant tempera-true as a sample of 5' -nucle0tidase. It catalyzes 5' -AMP preducing adnosine and inorganic phosphoricacid. The later reacted with molybdic acid reagent developing blue coorl- The intensity of blue color isproportional to the quantity of the phosphoric acid. The activity of 5' -nucleotidase is calculated by theoptical density of 722 type spectrophotometer, ln the present study which was repeated for fiveVtimes, the regular decline of the activity of 5' -nucleotidase was observed at 12h (3O°C ), 21h (18 °C )and 24h(7°C ) respectively after death. This study indicated that this methed has a value in estimatingthe time of death in a range of the certain time and temperatrue.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine