The state of bacterial contamination in 16 hospitals in Beijing was investigated. During investigation, 4497 samples were examined. Five hundred and forty-nine air samples were taken. The total bacterial counts of 424 air samples (77.23%)were found to be within the permissible level and the α and β Streptococcus contents of 456 air samples(83.06%)were lower than the permissible levels. Air contamination was light in winter and spring, and heavy in summer and autumn.
In investigation of surface contamination of various articles, 1276 samples were examined. Of the samples examined, the total bacterial counts of 990 samples were found to be within the permissible level, and Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudo-monas aeruginosa and Salmonella were detected in 12.90%, 3.43% and 0.42% of the samples respectively.