In order to improve the efficiency of in situ hybridization(ISH) with digoxi-genin- labelled alpha satellite DNA probes specific for the centromeric reglons of chromo-somes 7 and 17 in routinely processed paraffin-embedded tissue sections we studied the condi-tions of tissue pretreatment related to ISH.It was found that pretreatment with nucrowave heating and sodium thiocyanate prior to pepsin digesting could significantly reduced the dam-age to the histologic morphology and markedly enhanced the reproducibility of ISH reaction.More than 80% of the tumor cells and lymphocytes showed distinct and more homogenous chromosome hybridization signals in the most of 4μm-thick sections,suggesting that the modified protocol could be an itnportant tool for determing chromosome aberrations in paraf-fin-embedded tissue sections.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-skull Base Surgery