记述新颚螨属Neognathus Willmann 1952一新种:介六新颚螨,新种Neognathus jieliui sp. nov.
The present paper deals with a new species of the genus Neognathus Willmann. The holotype and allatype are deposited in the Department of Environmental and Resources Biology, Fudan University,Shanghai. The paratypes are deposited in the Hebei Fruit Tree Institute,Changli. Neognathus jieliui sp. nov. (figs. 1-7)This new species is similar to N. spectabilis (Summers & Schlinger), but differs from the latter in the following characters: 1 )Integumental pores lacking in new species,but that present in N. spectabilis. 2)Peritreme with 7 segments in new species,while 8 segments in N. spectabilis. 3) Genu Ⅱ with one small spiniform solenidia, but that absent in N. spectabilis. 4)Tarsus Ⅲ with a claviform solenidia,but that absent in N. spectabilis.Holotype , Dongshan (31°1'N, 120°4'E), Wu County, Jiangsu Province; Nov. 3,1994, allatype and paratype 4 ,4 ,same as holotype.Habitat:bark of Pinus sp. infested by bark beetle.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica