订定了钝绥螨属messor群的特征,归纳了世界上已描述的种类,已知分布于我国的有5种,同时描述了1个新种:五边钝绥螨Amblyseius pentagonus sp. nov.
This paper deals with six species of the messor group of Ambiyseius Berlese from China, namely Amblyseius asetus (Chant), A.okanagensis (Chant), A. peltatus Van der Merwe, A parapeltatus Wu et Chou, A lineatus Wu et Lan and A pentangonus sp. nov.. Among them the latter species is described as new to science. The messor group of Ambiyseius was proposed by Ueckermann and Loots (1988). The present paper defined the characters of the messor group as follows: 1)In the adult female dorsal shield with 16 pairs setae (j1 ,j3,j4,j5,j6,J5,z2,z4,z5,Z1,Z4, Z5,s4,S2,S4,S5)without J2 of j-J series. 2). Setae s4,Z4,and Z5 long and s4<Z4<Z5,the other setae short and never longer than the form 3 setae. 3). 2 pairs sublateral setae (r3 and R1) on the interscutal integument. 4). Ventrianal shield pentagonal in shape with 3 pairs of preanal setae. 5). Leg Ⅳ with three macrosatae. 6). Spermatheca different in shape.Ambiyseius pentangonus sp. nov. (figs. 1-5)This new species is similar to A lineatus Wu et Lan 1991,but differs from the latter in setae s4 ,Z4 and Z5 much longer and the shape of spermatheca obvious different.Holotype , June 29, 1991, Cheballing Nature reserve, Shaoguan (29. 4°N, 114. 8°E), Guangdong Province, Paratypes 3 , Cheballing and Dinghu Nature reserve Guangdony Provice,on shrubs. The type specimens are deposited in the Guangdong Institue of Entomology.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica