报道美绥螨属2新种:崔氏美绥螨Ameroseius cuiqishengi sp. nov.和洮儿河美绥螨Ameroseius taoerhensis sp. nov.,采自吉林省白城的腐烂树皮下。
1. Ameroseius cuiqishengi sp. nov. (figs. 1-8)The new species near to Ameroseius corniculus Karg, 1971,but differs from the latter in:the mesh of dorsal shield polygonal;central setae on dorsal shield short,subequal to lateral setae, posterior setae not beyond the midpoint from the base to that of next setae; the end of Mn blunt; post-ventral setae rather wide as dorsal setae.Holotype , paratypes 1 and 1 deutonymph, under decomposed bark of poplar, from Baicheng (45°37'N,122°49'E) Jilin Province,Aug. 12,1993.The new species is named in honour of the late Prof. Cui Qisheng, the famous plague specialist of China.2. Ameroseius taoerhensis sp. nov. (figs. 9-12)The new species near to Ameroseius cavernosus Westerboer ,1963 ,but differs from the latter in:dorsal pattern net-shaped,in posterior part partition between meshes similar to a string of beads in shape ;F1 branch-shaped ;posterior margin of sternal shield concave;post-ventral setae long and thick,plumose.Holotype ,paratypes ,under decomposed bark of pine,from Baicheng (45°37'N,122°49'E) Jilin Province,Sept. 29,1993.The new species is named after the Taoerhe River in gilin Province.Type specimens are deposited in the National Base of Plague and Brucellosis Control (Baicheng City Jilin Province).
Acta Arachnologica Sinica