The damp-surface motion was studied in Loess Low Hill area with applying liner modeltheory.The normal equation solutions of factors to damp- surface were made.They could forecast thedamp-surface in different sites. The leading factors to damp-surface motion and influence value of everyfactor to damp-surface motion were found out.They were rainfall time,rain fall intensity and the inter-action;between land-use type and the slope. The depth of the damp-surface motion is is direct propor-tion to rainfall time and rainfall intensity.The depth of the damp- surface motion is different because ofdifferent land-tise types.The damp-surface motion rate of poplar forest land is faster than the rate offarm land and grass land.The lowest one is bare land and chinese pine land.These provide some theoreti-cal bases for managing comprehensively Loess Low Hill area.
Loess Low Hill area,Damp-surface,Soil and water conservation