The accumulating rates and numbers of dry matter of 4upland cotton(upco) specises were always high than those of 4 seaisland cotton (sico) specises, according to our experiment conductedfrom the budding to the blooming. The highest rate of all the specises-from both types appeared both from the first blooming (June 6) to theuseful blooming (Augnst 10). But the largest amount of accumulating drymatter in sico ended on August 25, while that in upco on September 9. The most rapidly accumulating rates of the cotton boll of both typeswere from July 26 to August 25. The only different between them was thatthe largest amount of accumulating rate of cotton plant in sico was onAugust 10,and the upco on August 25. The dry matter weights of the sicoroot system and flowers were heavier than those of the upco.
Journal of Tarim University of Agricultural Reclamation