his paper presents the numerical simulation results of No. 11 block in Chengdao oil field ofShengli petroleum province by 3-D and 3-phase simulator ,and predicts the future develop-ment performances on the basis of matching the early production history. The series adjust-ment ,time for transferring flowing to pumping ,and effects of changing production formationon the development efficiency were emphasized. Two development plans were selected. PlanⅠ: oil wellls are produced by pumping to the economical development limit after they stopflowing. Then changing the production formation. The flowing production is restarted. Whenflowing finished,pumping production is used until the economic development limit. Plan Ⅱ :after oil wells stop flowing ,changing to another prodution formation and maintaining produc-tion by flowing ,and pumping production is used until the economic development limits whenoil wells finish flowing. It is thought that the lattter is superior to the former through someanalysis and comparison.
numerical simulation ,development index , series adjustment ,development plan