Abstract Smears of nasopharyngeal exfoliative cell5 from 208 patients with nasopharyngeal carci-noma(NPC)were staines with HE and AgNOR and compared with pathologic biopsy,tis-sue-print AgNOR staining and serum immunoenzymal titer of VCA-IgA.The results showed that:①108 of 126 cases were diagnosed in the first biopsy with the coicidental rate of 85.7%(108 of 126);②Immunoenzymal titer of VCA-IgA showed positive in 153 cases,including 27 cases of false positive, with the coincidental rate of 78.6%;③112 cases were diagnosed by tissue-print AgNOR staining with the coincidental rate of 88.9%(11 2 of 126) and the mean granules of AgNOR was 5. 82±75/nuclei;④NPC was diagnosed by HE staining of exfoliative cells smears in 80 cases with the coincidental rate of 63.5%(80 of126 ) and by AgNOR staining in 114 cases with the coincidental rate of 90.5%(11 4 of 126).The mean granules of AgNOR was 5. 61±1.7/nuclei.Hence we propose that na-sopharyngeal exfoliative cell smear for AgNOR staining is a good method for diagnosing NPC. It deserves to be recommended for its convenient , simple equipment,easy to prepare and fast report with higher reliability.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg