对42例房室折返型心动过速作电生理检查发现7例有多条房室旁道。主要表现为右室程序刺激或心动过速时逆传 A 顺序改变或体表 ECG 预激波方向变化。心动过速时心室期前刺激有助于揭示“旁观”的旁道。
Seven patients with multiple anomalous atrioventricular pathways(AP)were discovered in 42 consecative electrophysiological stu(?)ies for atrio-ventricular re-entrant tachycardia(AVRT).The presence of more thanone AP was displayed by alterations of activation sequences of retrog-rade atrial activities during tachycardia or programmed right ventricularstimulation in 5 patients and by changes of delta wave vector on surfaceECG in 2 patients.Premature RV stimulation during tachycardia mightbe helpful in demonstrating a“by-stander”AP.
Journal of Electrocardiology(China)