This artical reported that 20 mongrels underwent cervical
esophageal reconstructionwith free jejunal graft.Two different methods were introduced in our
experiment. In method I,thejejunal vesseles were anastomosed to the common carotid artery
and internal jugular vein.In methodⅡ,The jejunal vessels were anastomosed to the cervical
transverse artery and external jugularvein.Cervical esophageal reconstruction with free jejunal
graft had adequate blood supply for the je-jnum and low rate of postoperative complications in
accordance with the demand of physiology.Allthe jejunal grafts survived excellently and had no
significant differentiation of the postoperative compli-cation in the two methods.In compared
with metod Ⅱ, method Ⅰ could overcome all kinds of difficul-ties in the selection of the
cervical vessels,and it could almost be utilized under any circum-stances Thus, method Ⅰ has
very impostant clinical significance in the aspect of extending operativeindication.
Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Science