The mycobacterium tuberculosis genome was
detected in cerebrospinal fluid by poly-merase chain reaction (PCR ),in which the primers came
from the gene coding for the 65 KD My-cobacterial antigens of M. tuberculosis,and a 383 bp
segment was amplified using Taq polymerase。 Se-rial dilutions of purified M. tuberculosis
DNA(from 1 ng to l00 fg)were used as the templates for thePCR。 Tlie primers could detect less
than l pg of DNA。 Of 42 cases with tuberculous meningitis(TBM),24 was positive, with PCR,
The percentages of smear and culture were 7.14%and l4. 28%respectively, 46 other
neurological disorder were negative, with three methods。 The results suggestedthat PCR be
more sensitive and specific than those methods of traditional bacteriology for the detectionof
TBM。 PCR is a simple and rapid technique,and it could be used to detect M。 tuberculosis in
Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Science