The transformation activities
of pre- and post-cryopreservatory peripberal lymphocytes wereanalysed.It was found that
post-cryopreservation,the reactivity of TLC to PHA was delayedand their transformation rate
was reduced(66.19%of unfrozen cells vs 48.93% of frozen cell)。Enlongation of the duration of
cultivation(96h)can restore the function of a part of frozen cells(at 96th h, 65.69%of unfrozen
cells vs 58.2%of frozen ones).With the assay of TLCtransformation,it was found that the
portions of blastic type and mitotic type decreasedsignificantly(from 38.23%to 23.48%for the
former,from 1.29%to 0.36%for the latter,respectively).It、was suggested that with
cryopreservation,the process of transformation wasinhibited by the disturbance of the
synthesis of protein and nucleic acid on TLC. BLC had noobvious change.