10例小儿恶性肿瘤病人在接受强化疗后给予G-CSF5-10ug/kg/d。9/10例平均4天,1/10例在14天时白细胞总数上升至5.0×10 ̄9/L以上,全部病例在停G-CSF后48~72小时时出现第二次血象下跌。并观察到6/10例在G-CSF后平均第5天外周血出现幼稚细胞,3/7例骨髓粒系原始+幼稚细胞不同程度升高,分别为20%、26%、8%,停用G-CSF一周后未经任何化疗自然恢复正常,提示这些原始细胞来自正常的造血干细胞。
10 children with malignant diseases received G-CSF 5~
10ug/kg/d after intensivechemotherapy. The absolute neutrophil count returned to 2.5×10/ ̄9/l
in 4 days in 9 cases,another one in 14 days. All children had the second wave of WBC
dropping 48~72 hours afterstopping G-CSF. Blast cells were found in peripheral blood in 6/10
children during G-CSFadministration. The blast cells in bone marrow were also increased in 3/7
cases(20%、26% and8% respectively),and returned to normal within 7 days after stopping
using G-CSF. Thesesuggest that blast cells were from the normal hemotopoietic stem cells.