The Presinian spilite-keratophyre series in Xichang-central Yunnan region is confined mostly to the Dahongshan and Hekou groups. In regional tectonics it scatteredly exposed on the both sides of Anninghe-Yimen deep fracture. The spilitekeratophyre series is closely associated with eomagmatic volcanics or hypabyssal intrusions including albite gabbro-diabase, albitophyre and quartz albitophyre.The keratophyre represented by albite grannlite from the jiangyi-Pintan formation of Hekou group has a zircon U-Pb age of 1.725Ga, the migmatic gneiss in the Dibadu formations, which is overlaid by Dahongshan group, yields a Rb-Sr age of 1.706Ga, and the remant migmatic gneiss in Kangding group, a crystalline basement in this region, gives zircon U-Pb ages from 2.061 to 2.451Ga. Threrfore, Dahongshan and Hekou groups would have age from 1.7 to 2Ga. The spilite-keratopbyre series is petrochemically similar to those in the other parties of the world, except for having higher Na_2O (6-8wt%), Fe_2O_3 +FeO and TiO_2 and lower E_2O, MgO and CaO contents. According to the Wright alkalinity coefficient, the spilitekeratophyre in this region should be belonged to the subalkalic rock series.The presence of remained magmatic flowage structure, felsophyric and spherulitic textures in the rocks, absence of replacement remnant of intermediate and basic plagioclase in the albite and consitence of composition of Na_2O in the rocks indicate that the spilite-keratophyre in this region is neither metasomatogenic nor metamorphogenic but rather the magmatogenic rock resulted from the crystallization of intermediate-basic magma enriched in Na and H_2O. The samples from the spilite-keratophyre are plotted to the field A in the logτ-logσ diagram. On the basic of the rock association and some field critera. The spilite-keratophyre should be considered to be an eruptive-sedimentary in a bathyal environment.
Acta Petrologica et Mineralogica
Xichang-central Yunnan