344 cases with acute gastric mucosal lesions diagnosed by fiberscopy were studied. Among them 89 cases (25.9%) were induced by drugs. The common drugs as the cause of illness were as follows: 22 cases (24.7%) were aspirin; 19 cases (21 .3% ), indomethacine; 18 cases (20.2%), steroid hormones; 10 cases (11 .2 % ), phenylbutazone; and 9 cases (10. 1% ), reserpine .The manifestions of the fiberscopy examination of these lesions were: 59 cases (66.3%) of hemorrhagic erosion gastritis, 19 cases(21 .3%) of acute gastric ulcer and 11 cases (12. 4%) of smallpox erosion. The latter were mainly distributed mucosal wrinkle and the lesions were multiple and usually without helilorrhage.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University