对角膜斑块状营养不良19例,格子状营养不良11例和颗粒状营养不良2例角移手术标本进行组织病理,超微结构和超微组化研究。描述了斑块状、格子状和颗粒状营养不良病理及超微结构的改变。超微组化检查在斑块状营养不良病变物内发现有硫酸软骨素和另外一种抗透明质酸酶和硫酸软骨素酶 ABC 消化的酸性粘多糖。格子状营养不良病变物内仅有少量的硫酸软骨素。并就上述病变物的来源、性质及机制进行了探讨。
Keratoplasty specimens from 19 pati-ents with macular corneal dystrophy (MCD),11 pati-ents with lattice corneal dystrophy (LCD) and 2 pa-tients With granular corneal dystrophy (GCD) were examined by combinations of histochemistry,elc- ctron micoscopy and electron—histochemistry.Ele-ctron histochemistry disclosed that the deposits of MCD have sulfate chondroitin and another hyaluro-nidase-resistant glycoaminoglycan and that the de-
posits of LCD have a little sulfate chondroitin.The authors suggest:(1) the possible pathologic mecha-nism of MCD is that the keratocytes and endothelial cells synthesize abnormal fibrillogranular material which consists of glycoaminoglycan,glycoprotein and lipid; (2) LCD is a primary localized corneal amyloidosis in which the amyloid deposits may re-sult from corneal epithelial cells and keratocytes with a little sulfate chondroitin; (3) the deposits sy-
nthesized by corneal epithelial cells and keratocytes in GCD may result from a genetic defect in processing or synthesizing proteins.
Eye Science