This is a protein determination method which involves the binding of CoomassieBrilliant Blue R - 250 to immobilized protein. Put Protein solution to filter paper and fix it withabsolute methamol. Coomassie Brilliant Blue R - 250 dyes the protein. Rinse the filter paper,wash the dye binding proteins in filter paper and measure the optical density (O. D)of elutedprotein-dye complexes. The method is simple and convenient. The analysis requires small sam-ple volume and has high sensitivity. The linear range of assay are between 0. 1g/L and 5g/L.The assay has good reproducibility. The coefficients of variation in the group are 3. 56% ̄6.67%and between groups are 1. 48% ̄7. 02 %. The method is stable. The dyed filter papers canbe stored for 1 month without sensible changes in the O. D. values. The eluted solution hasgood color stability for 48 hr. Only a few reagents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate.alkali havesome interference effections on this detecting method. However,hardly 10 reagents,like sodiumazide,ammonium sulfate. Tritonx - 100 etc. have not interference effections.
Journal of Changzhi Medical College