Four cases of tachycardia and bradycardia syndrome
were analyzed inthis article. The clinical manifestation of each case was observed. The first
patientsuffering from third degree A V block accompanied by ventricle flutter was treatedwith
electrical countershok and pacemaker.The second patient suffering from Wolff-parkinson-white
syndrome accompanied by auricular or ventricular fibrillation wastreated electricle
countershok,propafenone and pacemaker. The third patient sufferingfrom sinus bradycardia
accompanid by ventricular tachycardia was treated withquindine and pacemaker.The fourth
patient suffering from auricular fibrillationaccompanied by sinus arrest was treated with diltzem
and pacemaker.Through thesetreatments,we got a satisfactory result;therefore when a patient
with the tachycardiaand bradycardia syndrome is treated, the following suggestions are
advisable:(1)should prepare pacemaker and electricle countershok before the medicine is
used,(2)nonmedicine method should be considered if medicine give little effects,
and(3)treatment with pacemaker should be considered first to the serious bradycardia.
Journal of Chengde Medical University