The percentage of Tiefeng 24 mottled seed planted on poddy field ridge reduces areragelly 32. 35% .relatively decreases 87. 79 % than that planted in upland field. Furthermore.the percentage of mottled seed of Tiefeng No.24 soybean planted on paddy field ridges during different sowing time showed very regular changes. The earlier the sowing time the higher percentage of mottled seeds. If the difference uf sowing time is 20 days more. the difference percentage of mottled seeds can be highly singificant. The difference of percentage of mottled seeds between the third and the fifth,the forth, the first sowing time reaches significant level,and that between the forth and the first sowing time also reaches significant level.We consider that the difference is mainly due in change of temperature, sun-light and rainfall at pod-filling stage. We discovered that rainfall was not the factor influening the permontage of mottled seeds by partial regression coefficient analysis, We planted Tiefeng No. 24 soybean seeds with different grade of mottling yellow hilum. mottled seeds, brown-hilum and molled-free seeds. The last percentage of mottled seeds was that of yellow-hilum and mottle -free seed descendants. The largest percentage of mottled seed was that of brownhilum and mottled seed descendants. Soybean planted on paddy field ridge produced lower percentage of mottled seeds than that palnted in upland field not only in the present generation but also in descendants.
Soybean Science
Percentage of brown- spot soybean seed
Propagated in paddy field.