Abstract This paper deals with the numerical solution of initial value problems for differential e-quations with variable delays.We investigate the stability properties of linear θ-methods inthe numerical solution of these problems.It is well known that numerical solution of θ-meth-ods is stable under certain conditions for delay differential equations with constant delays. Bycomparision of numerical solution for variable delay differential equations with that for con-stant delay differntial equations,we present sufficient conditions for linear θ-methods to beasymptotic stable for retarded differntial equations with variable delays. Similar to what wehave known on the stability properties of the exact solution of variable delay differential e-quations,it turns out to be that numerical stability is independent of the variation of the de-lay term with time under certain conditions.Moreover,our theorems imply that numericalsolution of any method for variable delay differential equations is asymptotically stable if it isasymptotically stable for constant delay problems.SUBJECT TERMS:delay differential equations, numerical solution,θ-methods,asymptotic stability
Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute