

The Effect of Thermal Properties on Numerical Simulation Accuracy of the Temperature Field of Steel Castings
摘要 本文研究了铸件和铸型的热物性值对铸钢件凝固过程温度场数值模拟精度的影响,指出铸型的热物性值较铸件的热物性值对模拟计算精度的影响更大。计算时,必须正确掌握不同铸造工艺条件下确切的热物性值。 In this paper,the effect of thermal properties of mold and castings on numerical simulation accuracy of temperature field during solidification of steel castings are studied. The author points outthat the effect of thermal properties of mold on numerical simulation accuracy of temperature field of steel castings are much greater than those of castings. When calculating, we must master the exact thermal properties in all kinds of casting technique conditions.
机构地区 大原重型机器厂
出处 《大型铸锻件》 1995年第3期20-22,共3页 Heavy Casting and Forging
关键词 铸钢件 热物性值 数值模拟 温度场 精度 Steel Casting,Numerical Simulation, Thermal Property.
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