The Early Paleozoic organic shell fossils arround the Huangling anticaline,including graptolite,chitinozoan and scolecedont,have their own characteristics in composition,shape,texture and struc-ture as well as sallent,reflection color,micro-texture and feature,heterogeneity,incongrucus optics,reflectance,double reflection and so on. Follwing the inctreas in thermal matureity their opticalcharacteristics show regular variations.The organic shell fossils the more thermal maturity reflectance like the vitrinite reflectance in-creases along with.organic shell fossils reflectance can be compared with vitrinite reflectance accord-ing to the CAI of conedont.So it would be possible to classify organism maturity by using organic shellfossils reflectance instcad ofvitrinite reflectance. It means that we could use organic shell fossils re-flectance to study the maturity of organic matter in the areas of Early Paleozoic rocks and marine car-bonate rocks which ore poorin vitrinite.Finally three area of Early Paleozoic rocks with different maturities of organic matter arround theHuangling anticline are dislinguished,according to the reflectances of organic shell fossils and the CAIvalues of conodont in this paper.At the same time,the author points out that the oil-forming condi-tions in these area ore not quiet good,because the rocks are too old and their degree of thermal evolu-tion of organic matter is refatively higher.
organic shell fossils optical characteristics organism maturity of organic matter Early Paleozoic Hungling anticline