
CO_2全球循环及其同位素示踪研究 被引量:19

摘要 极地冰盖气泡研究表明,工业革命前大气圈天然CO2浓度约为280×10-6,天然CO2浓度变化反映了冰期-间冰期循环这一长期气候变化固有特征。工业革命后,大量人为CO2进人大气圈,人为CO2收支明显不平衡,一个大于2.6GTC/a的未知陆地生态汇很可能存在于北半球中纬度地带。土壤、岩溶作用、河流作用、地球化学作用、干旱-半干旱环境等系统以及海洋内部CO2循环的同位素示踪研究,可为人为CO2未知汇即“MissingSink”的探求提供线索。 The Pre-industrial Revolution's records of natural CO2 in the atmosphere has been reconstructed by measuring CO2 in air bubbles from polar ice sheets. All these records in both Antarctic and Arctic show that: (1) there was a strong correlation beween CO2 and δ18O; (2) the CO2 concentration was (250-300) ×10-6 during 0.13-0.12Ma B. P., i.e. the last interglacial period, similar to that in Holocene;(3) the CO2 concentration w4s (180-200) × 10-6 during the last but one coldest period of glaciation, about 0.15Ma B. P., corresponding to that of the Last Glacial Maximum about 18000a B. P. Natural CO2 variations are characteristic of the longterm climate mechanisms causing glacial-interglacial cycles. During the transition from the glacial to the interglacial, the natural CO2 concentration increased by (80-100) × 10-6. Before the Industrial Revolution, the natural CO2 concentration in the atmosphere was kept about 280 × 10-6 and the interhemispherical distribution of CO2 showed a gradually decreasing tendency from the south to the north.After the Industrial Revolution, much of anthropogenic CO2 entered the atmosphere owing to the burning fossil fuel. The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increased in average by 1.8 × 10-6/a during 1958-1988, and the rising curve shows a interannual oscillation. Meanhile, the interhemispherical distribution of CO2 show ed a gradually descreasing tendency from the north to the south. The CO2 produced by burning fossil fuel during the period of 1981-1987 made up 57% of all anthropogenic CO2. The anthropogenic CO2 uptaken by entire oceans is less than I GTC/a during the same lperiod. So there must be terrestrial ecology sinks(including soils) more than 2.6GTC/a to keep the balance of anthropogenic CO2. Such an unknown sink,' so called 'Missing Sink', is likely located in the northern middle latitude. Existing models about the oceanic CO, cycle all are based on isotopic tracing.But the behavior of one isotopic tracer is not completely the same as that of CO2, so multi-isotopic tracers have been used. Radionuclides such as 14C (called 'bomb 14C' for short below), 39Ar and 85Kr produced in nuclear explosion have a global distribution. This distribution relatively simple boundary condition and is very helpful for tracing of the CO, global cycle. Today, however, the use of 39Ar and 85Kr limited. In models of the CO, cycle in soil, the cycle ratio of C is a very important parameter, whose information can be drawn from measuring 14C in organic matter and soil-forming CaCO3. Since the absorption of natural 14C and bomb 14C varies from soil to soil, determining the cycle ratio of C is complicated. For this reason, 14C measurement in soils must be carried out widely.The CO2 cycle in karst can be studied by tracing of 3H, 4He, 14C, 37,39Ar, 81,85Kr and U-Th. Models to couple the CO2-(CH2O)n-CO32-system to the CO2-H2O-CO32system can used to reveal relationships between the variation of natural and anthropogenic CO2 and climatic records for a variety of karst regions.By determining the distribution of bomb 14C in suspended matter, sediment, water body in rivers and estuaries and by determining the air-sea partial pressure differences of CO, (△Pco2) over coastal regions with a higher spatial and temporal resolution, we can relate the CO2 exchange in continental shelf regions of East Asia to the large-scale oceanic CO2 distribution, and then estimate the CO2 flux entering oceans through rivers. CO, fluxes produce mainly in geoclemical processes such as carbonate weathering,silicate weathering, and the production and modification of organic carbon. By tracing of, 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 14C and by precisionly determining of δ13C distribution in the atmosphere, we can exactly estimate the weathering rates of both terrestrial carbonates and silicates and the transporting rates of organic and' inorganic carbon to obtain the income and expenses of CO2 during geochemical processes.The variation of CO2 par.tial presure in the paleoatmosphere can be estimated further by establishing the soil CO, diffusion model an
出处 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期53-62,共10页 Quaternary Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金
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