Penetrating craniocerebral firearm injuries remains one of the most lethal of all head
traumas andare common in both war and peace time. Data were reviewed for 6487 moderately,
severely head- injuring pa-tients[Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)scores 3 to 12] treated at Xijing
Hospital between 1973 and 1994; Fifty-six of these patients had penetrating craniocerebral
injuries caused by firearms. These patients consisted of 49males (87.5%)and 7 females
(12.5%)ranging in age from 3 months to 51 years (median 23. 8 years). Thetypes of firearm
wound included 3 cases of tangential wound, 39 cases of tubular wound, 14 cases of
through-and- through wound. These cases were characterized by acuteness, severity and
unstability. After emergencytreatment and operation, 6 cases died(10.7%). The follow- up
studies in the third month showed that 26cases(46.4%)had a good recovery, and the rates of
moderate disability, severe disability and vegetativestate in this series were 28.6%, 14.3%and
2.0 %respectively. And long- term follow- up studies indicatedthat 35 patients were
satisfactorily recuperated and 28 patients were able to resume their occupation. Theprinciples
for dealing with penetrating craniocerebral firearm injuries and the hints for operation were
dis-cussed in this paper.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University