目的:探讨IgE低亲和力受体(CD23)在过敏性哮喘发病中的作用,以及与IL-2受体(CD25)和HLA-DR的关系。方法:用APAAP法检测15例过敏性哮喘患者急性发作期和缓解期外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)CD23,CD25和HLA-DR的表达水平。结果:发作期CD23,CD25和HLA-DR的表达明显强于缓解期;CD23 ̄+细胞率与FEV_1呈显著负相关(r=-0.5324,P<0.05),与CD25 ̄+细胞率和HLA-DR ̄+细胞率分别呈显著正相关(r分别为0.6688和0.6972,P均<0.01)。结论:CD23可能介导过敏性哮喘的慢性气道炎症,活化CD4 ̄+T细胞对其表达有上调作用。
Objective:Authprs investigated the role of CD23 in allergic
asthma and the relationship betweenthe expression of CD23 and activated T-cells.
Methods:APAAP was used to evaluate the expressions ofCD23, CD25 and HLA- DR on
peripheral blood mononuclear cell(PBMC) from 15 patients with allergic asth-ma,when they
were suffering acute attacks and when they were in remission.Results:Results showed thatthe
percentages of CD23 ̄+, CD25 ̄+ and HLA-DR ̄+ cells were much higher in episodic period
than in remis-sion. The increased percentage of CD23 ̄+ cells was correlated with those of
CD25 ̄+ and HLA-DR ̄+ cells(r=0.6688 and 0.6972,respectively,P<0.01)and also with the
decrease of FEV(r=0.5324,P<0. 05).Con-clusion:These results indicate that CD23 may induce
the chronic airway inflammation in patients with allergicasthma,and that the activated CD4 ̄+T-
cells may upregulate the expression of CD23 on PBMC.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University