

The distribution relationship between the large wave and the large wind in Nanji sea area
摘要 本文根据南麂海洋站1983~1989年实测风和浪的资料,分析了大风和大浪的关系。结果表明:大浪日、大风日各月出现次数不匀。风浪大浪日及涌浪大浪日出现比率分别占56%和44%。各向大浪波高均值变化幅度不大。各向大浪波高极值却有较大差异。风浪H1/10波高为1.5~2.0m、当风速为11~13m/s时,大浪出现频率最高。本文还给出了波龄较大的风浪大浪波高与大风风速的经验关系。基于不同类型的台风路径,得到了本区从H1/10波高为1.5m以上时台风中心的位置。利用此结果可以预报本区大浪出现的时间。 ccording to the observations of wind and wave at Nanji ocean station during 1983-1989, the relationship between the large wind and the large wave is analysed. The results show that the emergent number of times for the large wave day and the large wind day in every month is not even.The emergent rates of the large wind wave day and the large suging wave day are 56 percent and 44 percent respectively. The mean value of the large wave height in every direction fluctuates within a narrow range. The extreme value of the large wave height in every direction fluctuates within a large range.The occurrence frequency of the large wave that the wind wave height H1/10 is 1. 5- 2.0 m and the wind speed is 11-13 m/s is the highest in this area. In this paper, is also given the empirical relationship between the large wave height of larger wave age and the large wind speed. Based on the hurricane path of different type,the author got the positions of the hurricane centre when the wave height H1/10 is above 1.5 m in the area. This result can be used to forcast the time that the large wave will occurs in the area.
作者 黄树生
出处 《东海海洋》 1995年第1期1-9,共9页 Donghai Marine Science
关键词 大浪日 大风日 南麂海域 波浪 分布 large wave day,large wind day, empirical relation, Nanji sea area
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