The references in the 'Arid Land Geography ' are analyzed with the statistical method of reference metrology. From 1985 to 1994, 43 issues of ' Arid Land Geography ' with 558 papers in total have been published, in which 2766 references were attached in 436 papers. The results of the statistical analysis on the references in the ' Arid Land Geography ' show that the mean referencc amount was 5; Chinese references occupied 84.5% of the total; books, periodicals and special references occupicd 48.5%, 45% and 6.5% of the total references respectively; the pcriodicals with the highest quoted friquency are the ' Arid Land Geography ' in Chinese periodicals and ' Water Resources Research ' in foreign language periodicals; the semi-dcclining period of ' Arid Land Geography ' was 10.1 years,and its self-quoted ratio was 34.4% .
Arid Land Geography