
中国农村改革:国家和所有权关系的变化(上)——一个经济制度变迁史的回顾 被引量:297

Reform in China's Countryside : Changes to the Relationship between the State and Ownership (First Part)
摘要 中国的改革正在广泛地改变资源利用的产权形式和效率。这场变革的背景,是原有社会主义国家对社会经济活动控制模式的失效和日益松弛。本文讨论这场大变革的发源——农村改革的经验。 80年代的中国农村改革,一方面是国家集中控制农村社会经济活动的弱化,另一方面是农村社区和农民个人所有权的成长和发展。经过10年分权化的渐进改革,国家与农村社会的关系已经发生本质性的变化。本文通过对农村改革经验的回顾,把国家引入农民所有制建立、执行和改变的说明。本文的中心论点是,国家保护有效率的产权制度是长期经济增长的关键。但是,国家通常不可能自动提供这种保护,除非农户、各类新兴产权代理人以及农村社区精英广泛参与新产权制度的形成,并分步通过沟通和讨价还价与国家之间达成互利的交易。中国的经验表明,有效的财产权利可以在社会与国家的交易中形成。 本文共分五个部分。第一部分讨论国家与产权关系的理论,第二部分概述改革前农村产权制度的特征和由来,第三部分研究在人民公社体制内包含的变革因素,第四部分分析80年代农村产权改革的经验,最后是一个结论性评论。 China is extensivelv reforming the ownership form of resource usage andreturns . The background of this reform is the ineffectiveness of the oldsocialist economic activities . This paper discusses that the resource ofthis great revolution is the experience of the reform in rural areas . The reform of the 80s in the countryside led to a week state controlof rural of rural economy and the expansion of individual propertyownership. After the reform, the relationship between the state arid therural community has fundamentally changed. The thesis of this paper isthat it' s the key to maintain a long-term economic growth for the state toprotect a productive ownership system. But it' s impossible for the stateto do so automatically except farmers , representatives of new ownershipagents can actively take part in the establishment of new ownership systemand can make a mutual beneficial bargain with the state. China' sexperience shows that productive property ownership can be formed in thedeal between the state and society. This paper is composed of five parts. The first discusses the theoryof the state and property ownership. The second part os about the featuresof property ownership before the reform and its in the commune system. Thefourth part expounds the experiences of property ownership reform in thecountryside during the 80s, and the fifth part is a conclusive comment.
作者 周其仁
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第3期178-189,共12页 Journal of Management World
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