近年来严重困扰我国投资领域的一个突出问题,就是固定资产投资项目自 筹资金不落实不到位。它延长了投资项目的建设周期,直接影响到项目的经济效 益,在一定程度干扰了国民经济宏观调控机制的正常运转,危害很大。本文对自 筹资金不落实的具体表现形式及其原因进行了总结分析,进而提出改善目前这 种状况的具体措施。我们希望由此引起有关方面的关注和进一步的研究。
In recent years , one of the problems troubling us is that the funds forfixed assets investment projects can not be collected on time, which extendsthe construction period of investment projects and directly affects the economic returns of the projects , and to some extend obstructs the regular operation of national macro-economic control and adjustment . The comradeswith China People' s Construction Bank have analyzed the causes why the fundscan not be collected on time and put forward some measures to improve currentsituation We hope this problem will be noticed by concerned authorities.
Journal of Management World