

The Analysing to the Experience of Agriculture Development in Beiliu City
摘要 广西北流市从1990年起,调整和优化农业产业结构,仅用几年时间,就使全市的大农业初步形成“三区、八带、九大基地”与种养加、农工商、农科教、内外贸相结合的多产业配套综合经营发展的“双高一优”农业新格局。从1990年到1993年全市农村经济总收入由8.3亿元增长到36.26亿元,增长了3.4倍。农村经济第一产业与第二、第三产业的比重由73.2:26.8调整为55.2:44.8;农产品商品率由49.7%提高到60.5%。1993年粮食年平均公顷产量达到15154.5kg,成为广西第一个“吨粮县(市)”,人均有粮达到420多公斤;农民人均纯收入1210.92元。1992年、1993年均被评为农村经济实力十强县(市)。 Since 1990. adjusting and optimizing the agricultural production structure in Beiliu city have been carried out. New agricultural production situation has been formed preliminary in few years only. It is that having divided the agricultural production areas according to natural condition of Beiliu, and having established a comprehensive varied properties with development set of 'high product, quality and productivity' in agriculture, with the combination of planting, feeding and processing; agriculture, industry and commerce, agricultural science and education, domestic and foreign trades etc.. From 1990 to 1993, the total incomes of agricultural economy have increased by 3 626 million yuans from 830 million yuans, that is increased by 3.4 times. The proportion of the first property to the second, and third properties in agricultural economy has adjusted from 73. 2 vs. 26. 8 to 55. 2 vs. 44. 8, commercial farm products have increased 60. 5% from 49. 7%. The average grains yield per ha. yearly have reached 15 154. 5 kg in 1993, and Beiliu city became the first city which gained 15 000 kg grains per ha. yearly in Guangxi. There are more than 420 kg grains for everybody yearly. The net income has reached 1 210. 92 yuans per farmer yearly.
出处 《广西农业大学学报》 CSCD 1995年第1期71-76,共6页
关键词 农业 经验 广西 高效农业 北流市 high product, quality and productivity agriculture experience Beiliu Guangxi
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