本实验用大体解剖学方法,观察了39只红头潜鸭(Aythya ferina)胰叶和胰管的形态结构。结果表明:红头潜鸭的胰叶位于十二指肠袢内,可分为背侧胰叶、腹侧胰叶和脾胰叶。从背侧胰叶的头端和尾端分别发出背侧胰管和第一胰管,自腹侧胰叶的头端发出腹侧胰管。背侧胰管和腹侧胰管多以左、右向并列进入十二指肠,背、腹侧胰管穿过肠壁后汇合,共同开口于十二指肠粘膜面大乳头的顶端。绝大多数个体,第一胰管在十二肠升袢近升、降袢折转处入肠,开口于十二指肠粘膜面的小乳头。
The pancreas lobes and ducts were studied in 39 wild ducks——Aythya ferina in China. The results are as follows:The pancreas lobes situated in the mesentery of ansa of duodenum.It can be subdivided lobus pancreatis dorsalis ventralis and splenalis.The ductus pancreaticus dorsalis and the first ductus pancreaticus come from the head extremities and the caudal extremity of the lobus pancreatis dor- salis respectively.The ductus pancreaticus ventralis comes from the head extremities of the lobus pancre- atis ventralis.The most of the duodenum of pancreatis dorsalis and vertralis enter into the end of the duo- denum of the left and right direction to stand side by side.The ductus of pancreatis dorsalis and ventralis join together in the wall of the duodenum and open in the major papilla.The first ductus enters into near the segment of the ansa ascendens between the ansa descendens and ascendens duodenum in most of the specimens in all of the Aythya ferina and after entering the wall of the duodenum opens in the minor papil- la in the surface of the mucosa membra.There are 3 tables and 11 diagrams in this paper.
Aythya ferina
lobes pencreatis
ductus pancreaticus