本文报道的试验用实验昆虫赤拟谷盗 WT,WU,PY 和 R4个品系按 Griffing 模型Ⅰ进行完全双列杂交,验证以遗传距离和配和力效应预测蛹重、后代数杂种优势的效果。对蛹重预测排序相关两种方法均在0.5左右,对后代数预测排序相关,用遗传距离很低。
The Griffing 1 crossing experiment using four Tribolium castanuem strains WT,WU,PY and R verified two prediction methods:genetic distance and combining ability effect for the heterosis of pu- pa weight and offspring number.The results showed that the rank correlation coefficients of the two meth- ods for pupal weight were 0.5 approximatiy,but for offspring number the rank correlation coefficient using genetic distance was very low.