
水貂肠炎病毒疫苗免疫效力指标及动物模型研究 被引量:1

Studies on Indexes and Laboratory Animal Models for Evaluating the Immune Efficiency of Mink Enteritis Virus Vaccines
摘要 按正交及配对实验设计,将水貂病毒性肠炎(MVE)细胞培养灭活矿油苗和铝胶苗接种于48只水貂、12只豚鼠、12只家兔,检测三种动物免疫后6~40天的血清HI抗体水平和水貂免疫后11~31天的SNI,结果表明:(1)该两苗对水貂的体液免疫效力相同;(2)豚鼠、家兔、水貂接种疫苗后6~40天的Hl抗体水平差异不显著,故豚鼠或家兔可作为水貂免后产生抗体水平的模型;(3)水貂免疫后11~3l天的HI抗体水平和SNI成显著秩相关,故水貂血清NI抗体水平是检定水貂肠炎病毒(MEV)疫苗对水貂的体液免疫力的可靠指标。攻毒试验(29只水貂)和扩大区域试验(800多万只份疫苗:)结果证明,水貂免疫后的血清HI抗体水平、SNI和免疫保护力均呈完全正相关。所以,豚鼠或家兔接种疫苗后ll~40天的HI抗体水平是检定MEV疫苗对水貂的体液免疫效力和免疫保护力的可靠指标,这就为大批量生产MEV疫苗的免疫效力检定提供了经济、简便、可靠的检测指标和实验动物模型。 In orthogonal and design tests,48minks. 12guinea-pigs and 12 rabbits were inoculated respectively with the inactivated vaccines from cell- cultures of mink enteritis virus(MEV)with mineral oil or Al(OH)3 gel adjuvant for detecting the serum haemagglutination-inhibition(HI)antibody of those animals during 6- 40days post-vaccination(P. V)and serumneutralizing(SN)antibody of minks during 11- 3l days P.V.The results proved for the first time by statistical analysis that:(l)Both vaccines could evoke equal humoral immune efficiency:(2)The difference was not significant in the eserum HI antibody response of guinea-pigs. rabbits and minks during 11- 40 days P.V. and the levels of HI antibody from 6 to 40 days are consilient. Hence, instead of minks, guinea- pigs or rabbits are reliable laboratory animal models for detecting the levels of serum HI antibody:(3)There was significantly positive rank corelation between log1050%vnfroml1 to 3l days P. V in mixed serum of minks. Therefore the levels of serum HI antibody are reliable indexes for detecting humoral immune efficiency for minks P.V.Challenge experiment with both vaccines in 29minks and area experiment with more than 8. 00O.000 doses of MEV vaccines with mineral oil or Al(OH)3 gel adjuvant for minks showed that there was complete positive corelation among HI antibody Level,SNI and immune protective potency of minks P.V.. Accordingly.the level of HI antibody of guinea-pigs or rabbits determined during ll-40 days P.V.is a desirable index for evaluating humoral immune efficiency and protective potency of the vaccines for minks, thus providing some economic, simple, reliable indexes and laboratory animal models for monitoring the immune efficiency of MEV vaccines in large scale. All these have been extensively used in productive practlce in the last few years.
作者 张德礼
出处 《北京实验动物科学与管理》 1995年第1期1-6,共6页
关键词 水貂肠炎 细小病毒 疫苗 体液免疫力 动物模型 Mink enteritis: Parvovirus: Vaccines: Immune efficiency: Indexes: Laboratory animal models
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