AMS/5is a new inbred strain mouse which ancestor came from the closed colony LACA mice.Currently, the strain have reproduced to fifty-three generations;Coat color gene tests of the mice with white hair show that the coat color gene is AABBccDD, Genetic monitoring including skin graft.biochemical markers, chromosome marker corresponses to the inbred strain standard.The reproductive performances are as following:The litter size is 7.5(5-8).weaning rate s 95%(except the first litters).The adult mice weight l8.97±l.04g for female and 21;60±l.68g for male. Serum IgG increases with the old of ages.Themice have been widely used in medical research fields such as in the radiation medicine, immunology, and toxiology. It is a new kind of amimnal model for medical experiments.
AMS/5 inbred strain, Mouse, biological property