The size,shape and place of the foramen ovale were observed in 100 side of 50 adult skulls,and the following conlusions are confirmed:There were four forms:round shape(3%),kidney shape (13%), oval shape(80%), and shuttle shape(4%).The foramen ovale which is located in line with the base of lateral pterygoid plate accounts for(52.0±2.60)%of cases observed, and those medial and lateral to it,accounts for(19±1.20)%and(29.0±1.40)%respectively.The long diameter of foramen ovale ranges from 4 to 9 mm, with 7.20±0.07 mm as the average. The average width of foramen ovale is 3.5±0.04 mm(3-5mm). Trigeminal ganglion puncture through foramen ovale was carried out in 60 side of 30 adult cadavers. The entrance place, direction and angle form front or side were shown: The angle both the level and the sagittal plane running through mandibula to puncture point varies from 75 to 85 degree with a mean of 80.0±0.50 and 5 to 20 the average is 18±0.80,respectively. The depth of the front puncture varies 6.8 to 8.15 cm,the mean is 7.69±0.56cm. The angle both the level and sagittal plane running throngh the tuberculum reticula of tempora in front to puncture varies from 10 to 12 and 60 to 85 with a mean of 23.0±0.30 and 70.3±0.50 degree.The depth of the side puncture varies from 4.90 to 6.52 cm, the mean is 5.52±0.20 cm.The conclusions are the front puncture is more ease than side.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College