对50例幽门螺旋菌阳性的十二指肠溃疡(DU)患者进行随机分组,采用 Losec 40mg/d 及20mg/d 加羟氨苄青霉素1.5g/d 治疗,对比观察两种不同剂量 Losec 对幽门螺旋菌的根除率。结果表明,Losec 40mg/d 的根除率明显高于20mg/d,P<0.05。提示 Losec 40mg/d 与羟氨苄青霉素可更好地促进溃疡愈合并防止其复发。
In this paper,H.pylori positive duodenal ulcer patients were treated by Losec and amoxy- cillin.When Losec 20 mg twice daily,arnoxycillin 0.5g there times a day for 14 days was used,80% H.pylori eradication rates after 2 weeks can be achieved.However,results using Losec 20 mg daily plus same dose amoxycillin showed only 48% eradication rates,difference is very significant,P< 0.05.This observation results suggest that Losec 40mg,amoxycillin 1.5g daily is the most effective treatment for the eradication of H.pylori to date.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College